Monday, June 28, 2010

Wet Pleasures

With rains all around, I thought I list the ten things which I like to do when it rains. These are things I really enjoy doing while it is raining outside (and not another do-it-in-future-wish-list).

1. Have a really hot cup of green-tea and chat with Manoj. Hot tea and hot gossip will ward away the chill factor.
2. Eat hot chat and mirchi bajjis. Nothing can beat a spicy taste in mouth when the weather is cold.
3. Go on a long drive with "Illayaraja" or "Kishore Kumar" music in the back ground. Depending on the mood driving alone has a comfort feel. Drive on NICE road or Devanhalli Airport road or even out of the Bangalore.
4. Race with the rain and speed the car till I beat the rain. Crossing the rainy region and savoring the victory by lighting a "Davidoff Lights" just finishes it off.
5. Drive under the flyover from where water is gushing heavily. Its like a shower to the car. The first time you do, you are really scared as though you are getting wet with the splash. But as you get over the fear the real thrill lies.
6. Its awesome to get drenched in the first rain. Real ecstasy is when you recollect your memories of childhood, schooling or lost love and savor them.
7. Splash the water collected in small ponds. Best if you can get some strangers and wet them. It comes with a caveat that not every one will appreciate it.
8. When it is drizzling go for a jog. Nothing like slow jogging in mild rain. Just did it yesterday.
9. Watch people scurrying in rain. It will give a sadistic pleasure. :P. Also watch kids play.
10. Make a cocktail specially a vodka based one. Gulp it while standing in balcony. The heat of vodka in throat nullifies the chilliness of weather.

Finally one suggestion from me. Ever tried making paper boats and leaving them in the water ponds of rain? Try it. Remember every man has a child in him.

Do include your fav list or wish list too in the comments belows. Tx

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