Thursday, June 24, 2010

Four things a Bangalorean girl should know..

To start with I took the advice of a well wisher and changed my lucky number to 4 going the ekta kapoor style.

Four things which a Bangalorean boy (like me) wants to convey to Banglorean girls:

1. Wearing western dresses not only needs money and attitude (both these all Bangaloreans have in plenty) but also some sense. Please shave your armpits. How much ever skin you show, it puts any guy off.

2. No... not all guys want you to run into them while walking on MG Road. Please maintain some distance. In case we are really interested in you we would let you know.

3. Drinking and Smoking does not make you hep. Probably it used to be that way when you are in college. But here now while working it is just a stress reliever. So drink responsibly and not to show how western you are. Believe me no guy will be aroused because you smoke or drink.

4. Stop giving cheeky looks while with your boy friend or husband. If you are really interested for a one night stand, come speak to us outrightedly. But I believe if you are hungry so is the guy standing beside you, talk to him he has the first right.

And finally, for the all the new/wannabe mothers, babies are not born into the world to generate employment for the "aayas". They are your responsibility, please nurture them yourself and spare us your gyan on how you taught your aaya on rearing a child.


  1. I never thought these things concern you :P :P

  2. @meenu ... actually last ten days were a test of my patience. So gave vent to those with this blog.
