Monday, May 10, 2010

The B-Factor

The conversation was set on one Saturday evening, just outside a cinema:

Subhash: So vishnu is not coming? What happened?
Murali: He has already been to a movie in the morning.
Subhash: This movie is good... really hilarious, he should have come what if he has been to one in morning. BTW which one did he see?
Murali: SIMHA!!!

The moment he uttered the movie title, we could not control laughter. For next ten minutes we were laughing incessantly. It dawned to both of us unspoken that he must be in shock for at least a day. :P
Thats the impact, Balakrishna, the Telugu star has on the common man. I do not know if he no one advises him about his image or he feels proud with that image. But good or bad he captures the mass market with his super hero stunts.
Two days ago in an conversation with the auto driver, I realized the recall value of his movies. I asked him a passing question what was the movie on screens worth watching. Spat comes reply "Simha". With the above background, I ask him what makes the movie so special. He tells me that the dance sequences are amazing and so are the fights. Curiosity gripping, I ask what is so special about the fights, he answers ... he kills 2500 people in the 3-hour story. :P.

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