Thursday, November 12, 2015

Why RSS fails to inspire/motivate better?

Let me start with disclaimer, this is my blog and my opinion. I do not want to hurt anyone's feelings.

From a layman perspective, the whole premise of RSS existence is to re-brand and morph the history. And the only way they do it is to re-interpret the already known evidence/history. They have never tried to bring in some of the lost or ignored history in to light. When they claim to call themselves committed to service to "Hindu" and "India" why do they not dig into and bring out history of Cholas, Pallavas, Chalukyas, Hoysalas, Rastrakutas or the North East Hindu empires? Why do they have to always speak about the Rana Prataps or Shivaji's? Not because the later achieved anything better in comparison of above dynasties. Some like Raja Raja Chola has founded a multi-country empire and had a sea-faring army/ businesses. How can they ignore such a great king? The only reason is that none of these dynasties can give them a plank to bring the communal divisions. Most of them never fought a Muslim king and even if they did, not much history is written on them. So they do not want to dwell deep but rather talk superficially and live re-interpreting already known history.

This is the biggest reason why RSS cannot inspire intellectuals and true rationalists to join them. They always want to play it politically (in spite of denying being a political organization). After all it really requires guts to explore the unexplored territories and dig out the truth.

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